14 February 2010

Enable Linux compatibility and linprocfs

Step: 1

Add linux_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf.
Add compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.30 to /etc/sysctl.conf.
Add OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=f10 to /etc/make.conf.

Add this line to /etc/fstab:

linproc /usr/compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0

Then run these commands:

mkdir -p /usr/compat/linux/proc
mount /usr/compat/linux/proc
/etc/rc.d/abi start
/etc/rc.d/sysctl start

Step 2: Update ports and install all the needed software

You will now need to install the following ports and their dependencies:

cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-f10 ; make install clean


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