22 April 2010

Enabling FreeBSD and Linux Binary Support

OpenBSD comes with a variety of binary compatibilities compiled
into the kernel. They are, however, disabled by default. To enable
them, edit /etc/sysctl.conf and skip down to the end of the file
where the binary emulation section is. Uncomment any lines that
you need support for. Most people will want Linux binary support:


FreeBSD binary support is in the same section. Again, just
uncomment it to enable it. Feel free to look through the rest of
the file to see if there are any other options you might be intere-
sted in (I usually enable wsmouse, the console mouse driver). To
achieve optimum Linux binary compatibility, you will also need
to install the fedora_base package, then create a /proc directory
and a line in /etc/fstab to mount it at boot:

/proc  /proc  procfs  rw,linux  0 0

Full FreeBSD binary compatibility can't be done without the
freebsd_lib package, so install that if you want to run FreeBSD



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