15 May 2010

Anonymity is everything

Some nice features ;)

~# emerge -v proxychains tor privoxy

The proxychain client will force any TCP connection made by any given application, nmap in this case, to use the Tor network or a list of other proxy servers.

~# proxychains nmap -normal-options Target

Note:  Only proxy TCP connections via proxychains.

Others nice stuff:

Is critically important not to use any tools that will send UDP or ICMP packets directly to the target system. All lookups must go through the Tor network to preserve anonymity, so:

~# tor-resolv www.target.com

Socat allows for relaying of bidirectional transfers and can be used to forward TCP requests via the Tor SOCKS proxy listening on port 9050.

The advantage to using socat is can make a persistent connection to his victim’s web server and run any number of probes through the socat relay (for example, Nessus, Nikto, and so on). In the example, we will be manually probing the port rather than running an automated vulnerability assessment tool.

The following socat command will set up a socat proxy listening on local system ( port 81) and forward all TCP requests to target-ip port 80 via the SOCKS Tor proxy listening on port 9050.

~# emerge socat

~# socat TCP4-LISTEN:81,fork SOCKS4a:,socksport=9050


~# nc -v 81

GET / HTTP/1.0


* Assess your own systems first or the bad guys will do it for you!

See Also:

Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Sixth Edition


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