24 September 2011

Wget TIPz & Trickz

~/.wgetrc and /etc/wgetrc

If you need to go via a proxy server, the ~/.wgetrc file can be used
to set proxy settings for the wget tool.

For example:

http_proxy = http://proxyserver.intranet.example.com:8080/
https_proxy = http://proxyserver.intranet.example.com:8080/
proxy_user = steve
proxy_password = letmein

You can also set equivalent variables in the shell.

The /etc/wgetrc file will be processed first, but is overruled by
the user’s ~/.wgetrc (if it exists). You must use chmod 0600 ~/.wgetrc
for ~/.wgetrc to be processed — this is for your own protection; valid passwords should not be visible by anyone but yourself! If the permissions are any more open than 0600, wget will ignore the file.


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