20 January 2013

discURL.py python script

#!/usr/bin/env python

__date__ ="$Jan 20, 2013 5:12:10 PM$"

import sys

This little script born because I was get in trouble to see the real url from the filmeja.com.

He give me the url in a reverse mode. Eg: ?url=azxj06z3/ot.lu//:ptth filmeja badBoy!

But with this in python trick, We see the real url and we obtain the movie we want ;)


[::-1] -> http://goo.gl/GfDqB


    url = sys.argv[1]
    def parse(url):
        lclean = url.replace('?url=', '')
        lclean = lclean[::-1]
        print "The real url is: ",lclean


except IndexError:
    print"Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "'url to discover'\n"

Get the script from here also:


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