07 July 2016


Specifying Domains or URLs that the Web Proxy never Caches

 1. Access the CLI.
 2. Use the webcache -> ignore commands to access the required submenus:

example.com> webcache

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- EVICT - Remove URL from the cache
- DESCRIBE - Describe URL cache status
- IGNORE - Configure domains and URLs never to be cached
[]> ignore

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- DOMAINS - Manage domains
- URLS - Manage urls

 3. Enter the address type you wish to manage: DOMAINS or URLS.

[]> urls

Manage url entries:

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- DELETE - Delete entries
- ADD - Add new entries
- LIST - List entries

 4. Enter add to add new entries:

[]> add
Enter new url values; one on each line; an empty line to finish

 5. Enter domains or URLs, one per line; for example:

Enter new url values; one on each line; an empty line to finish
[]> www.example1.com
Enter new url values; one on each line; an empty line to finish

You can include certain regular expression (regex) characters when specifying a domain or URLs. With the DOMAINS option, you can use a preceding dot character to exempt an entire domain and its subdomains from caching. For example, you can enter .google.com rather than simply google.com to exempt www.google.com, docs.google.com, and so on.

With the URLS option, you can use the full suite of regular-expression characters.

 6. When you are finished entering values, press Enter until you are returned to the main command-line interface.

 7. Commit your changes.


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